Pest and Disease Survey in Wheat
Pest and Disease Survey in Oilseed Rape
Pest and Disease Survey

Welcome to the Survey of Crop Pests & Diseases

The project is funded by Defra. The survey has been running for approximately 50 years and monitors endemic pests and diseases in commercial crops of winter wheat and winter oilseed rape, along with accompanying information about agronomic practice and pesticide inputs.

Project Aim

To deliver pest and disease information essential to establishing consensus across policy, research and industry.

 For the public:

Find out how we manage pests and diseases in wheat and oilseed rape crops in the UK whilst protecting the environment.

 For farmers and advisers:

See how your pest and disease levels compare with the regional and national mean values.  Look at trends across seasons and explore variety choices, sowing date decisions and current popular tillage practices.

 For industry:

Download regional and national level data which are essential for running forecasting models, view trends in pest and disease levels to inform future breeding priorities and to understand the impact of changes in agronomic practice and European pesticide legislation.

 For researchers:

Access a large historical data set of pest and disease observations from across a wide range of sites and seasons, underpinned by robust statistical stratification.  Compare with corresponding agronomic and pesticide input information to support research across many key areas.  

 For policy makers:

Obtain evidence to inform policy decisions in a post-Brexit era.

  Interactive Platform

Having accurate information about pest and disease pressure is essential when planning integrated management strategies.  The platform enables users to compare pests and diseases between regions and seasons.  Changing tends in growing practice can be explored by visualising agronomic information such as variety, sowing date, tillage method and rotational history.

Launch Platform

The project is led by ADAS and is guided by the knowledge and expertise of a Steering Committee and a Diverse Stakeholder Engagement Group

Pests and diseases are assessed at key time points in the season from approximately 300 commercial wheat crops and 85 oilseed rape crops each year.  The data is anonymised and we never share data in a way that identifies individual sites or participants.  Data is analysed and published via a series of reports throughout the season which are available on the website to download.

The entire database is free to access and is searchable via the Interactive Platform.  The dataset spans approximately 50 years.

Innovation is brought to the survey through initiatives such as molecular diagnostics, up-to-date imaging techniques and mining the historical data to adress topical questions.  We are seeking to maximise the usefulness of the survey and its resources through collaboration and alignment with synergistic projects.

Latest News

The disease data have been made available to download in simple Excel file format.  National and regional level mean values are available on the Interactive Platform page.  We never share da...

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Any Questions?

The most commonly asked questions about the project can be found in our FAQ section

If you would like to enquire about the survey please fill out the form in the Contact Us page.

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